- on ubuntu it is pretty easy to add a cronjob for timelengths like hour or daily. You can just add the script to folder that corresponds in /etc/cron*
using sudo before crontab -e will run the jobs as root
Cron settings for updates
30 6 * * * root /usr/bin/apt update -q -y >> /var/log/apt/automaticupdates.log 31 6 * * * root /usr/bin/apt upgrade -q -y >> /var/log/apt/automaticupdates.log 30 22 * * * root /usr/bin/apt update -q -y >> /var/log/apt/automaticupdates.log 31 22 * * * root /usr/bin/apt upgrade -q -y >> /var/log/apt/automaticupdates.log 30 23 * * * root reboot